
Eccentricity is the vital ingredient for a city’s success

The future of the city is an industry. Cities have always been big business, machines for creating money and culture, a means for people to gather and create a civilised, comfortable life. The making of the city is itself a fundamental process in the development of capitalism. The city’s property and infrastructure have always been vehicles for speculation and, on occasion, stupendous profit.

PL 1363/2015

Altera a Lei nº 8.666, de 21 de junho de 1993, para estabelecer a obrigatoriedade de adoção de padrões de sustentabilidade em construções populares licitadas pela Administração Pública.

Paris vai investir R$ 490 mi para triplicar ciclovias

Paris – Para enfrentar os picos de poluição em Paris, que preocupam cada vez mais a opinião pública, a prefeitura da capital da França anunciou um projeto de R$ 490 milhões para triplicar, até 2020, a extensão das ciclovias.

Farm in the city

A slew of edible gardens is burnishing Singapore’s reputation as a garden city.
Over the last two to three years, more than 80 plots with fruits, herbs and vegetables have sprung up not only in private and public housing estates, but also in eateries, malls, schools and offices as urban farming takes off here.